The Power of Authentic

  The Big Idea: I’m not going to attempt to motivate you to pray every day because I trust that you do.  What I do want to do is to inspire you to be more authentic, more conversational, and more intimate with God about what concerns you. Do not be anxious about...
Simply SOAP

Simply SOAP

GAIN CONFIDENCE READING THE BIBLE SOAP is a simple process. The point to it is to regularly read, reflect on a few thoughts or principles that apply to your life, and then to record what you have learned. Simple. SOAP isn’t to impress. It is simply you recording what...

Man on Fire // The Promise Land

Jim Connell and Mark Getchel fire up The Promise Land by Bruce Springsteen on this Man on Fire FB live talk on November 7, 2017. Read to get it back:  Leading on Empty, Fathered by God, Wild at Heart. Steps to get it back:  Find a group of man on fire kind of guys,...
The Spirit Will Lead You

The Spirit Will Lead You

The One who calls you will do it; He will do it.  1 Thessalonians 5:24 Faced with a fork in the road I reached out to my pastor, friend, and mentor Cliff.  Over the phone Cliff did what he does best – he listened and asked questions. You see, I have been working...

Pushing Through

Guest Post by Ryan Jantzen Courage: When you feel the fear and do it anyway!! What is it about fear that is so debilitating to us? Why do we let it stop us? Why do we ‘feel’ it? Is fear legitimate? Is fear from God? Fear is the direct opposite...

I Can

The first Rule of Success is I CAN Yet I struggle with I can’t every day. I kill that giant with a simple meditation based on the truth I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13. Inhale  I Exhale  can Inhale  do all Exhale...