No Regrets

If — no–when we admit to God we’ve wandered away in thought and deed, He forgives the offense — and more!  He pursues us to clean us up over time and make us holy.  1 John 1:9 BLT [1] At one time I referred to this verse as the “get out of jail free”...


Jesus was/is not anxious as we are anxious – worried about stuff.  Jesus was/is unhurried. Imagine that! Meditation, reflection, sustained focus is something we all can learn,  Without it we chase rabbit trails, with it we can find the narrow way; contentment...

The Ancient Hitchhiker

There is a man whose delight is in following Jesus’ way. He soaks in truth, growing more and more God-like one day at a time. Psalm 1:2 BLT [1] There was a season in which almost every time I turned around I got the sense God was trying to get my attention. I was...

Road trip

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalms 23:1 NASB As a child, my family would take road trips; to visit grandparents in Portland, Oregon, or to summer camp at Crescent Lake. One Saturday in 1961, we took a winter day trip from Klamath Falls, Oregon to snowy...