Today’s Big Idea:  True love is to treat others as Jesus treats you, as you are, flawed, prone to wander again and again, selfish… 

God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us.  Romans 5:8 NASB

How is it that Jesus loves us?

When we wander off He comes to find us.  Luke 15:4-7; Matthew 18:12

When we betray Him, He restores us.  Luke 15:11-24; John 21:15-21

When slapped with sarcasm, He turned the other cheek. Matthew 5:38-39

Jesus’ posture towards us is to forgive quickly and to be over-the-top generous.

With you and me, Jesus is patient, kind, and is not easily offended.  He is not selfish.  Jesus bears all things, believes the best about us, has high hopes for us, and is with us for the long haul.

We learn to love others when we make note of how He loves us, as we are, flawed, prone to wander again and again, selfish…


How is it that Jesus has loved you?

Reflect on your private interior life, your impatience with your spouse and kids, your stingy pride, fill in the blank as your conscience gets warmed up.

We come to see Jesus loves us as we are.  Love is calling us all.  With a voice that says Remember how Jesus treats you – so you do the same.

Love like this is called grace.  It’s what our hearts are desperate for.

It’s what our family and friends are desperate to get from us, freely with nothing in return.

PS I know that some of these verses have been used to convince someone in an abusive situation to remain in it.  If you are in that kind of situation please get in touch with me.