Dry Sticks vs Fresh Fruit

It is said that the grass is greener on the other side of the hill. This is not true! The grass is greener where you water it.  Same with relationships, hopes, and dreams. Dry sticks are symbols of hopes, dreams, or relationships have that have died.  Bone dry.  I...


Along with six other couples, Lea Ann and I launched re|engage marriage at our church a few weeks ago.  The turnout blew us away!  We’d hit a nerve; people want help with their marriages.  We played this video at our second session. [youtube...

Spiritual Training

Strength is developed by resistance. It seems to work that way in running.  Short runs, trail runs, long runs, rest days – all seem to break down muscle and develop endurance. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-TXrzotZYg] I am a runner.  I like the...