How to Overcome Discouragement

You Can Overcome Discouragement We all get discouraged at one time or another.  Fact is, I wake up discouraged most mornings.  It can take more than a few cups of coffee; it takes remembering what is true, relying on God for strength, and then doing the right things....

Humility in Action

Secretly I think and act like I am the center of the universe even though I’m not. Do nothing from the perspective that you are the center of the universe, rather, see God as the center and extend a hand to all others, broken as you. Philippians 2:3 and Romans 3:23 ...

Spiritual Nutrition

Your soul runs better with good spiritual nutrition. It is a simple process. The point to it is to read to engage, reflect on a few thoughts or principles that apply to your life, and then to record what you have learned. Simple. SOAP isn’t to impress. It is simply...