Bud Lamb Breathes | Ancient Pathways: Submission

Bud Lamb Breathes | Ancient Pathways: Submission

Listen to what the impulsive Peter wrote about submission: “…clothe yourself with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” 1 Peter 5:5 NASBThe practice of this ancient pathway can tear down the barrier we...
Bud Lamb Writes | Chasing The Sage: Introduction

Bud Lamb Writes | Chasing The Sage: Introduction

Bud reads the introduction to his book Chasing the Sage using personal stories, reflective questions, and offers three movements that can help a guy move through the thread of “Who am I and what am I doing?”Chasing the Sage is about this slow, painful, magnificent...
Bud Lamb Breathes | Ancient Pathways: Solitude & Silence

Bud Lamb Breathes | Ancient Pathways: Solitude & Silence

Jesus knows what we need to sustain the pace of life. He says, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest for a while.” Mark 6:31 NASB“In the relentless busyness of modern life, we have lost the rhythm between work and rest,” writes Wayne Muller in his...
Bud Lamb Speaks | Perspective

Bud Lamb Speaks | Perspective

In this episode entitled “Perspective,” I’m going to read you a letter from a distant friend of mine, but first a little back-story.Twenty years ago about once a month when I walked into our house after work, Lea Ann would shout “You got a letter from John!”It was...
Bud Lamb Breathes | Simplicity | Ancient Pathway

Bud Lamb Breathes | Simplicity | Ancient Pathway

Several years ago, this was my verse for the year: “…make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business…” 1 Thessalonians 4:11 NASBI was harried; feeling strained as a result of having demands that exceeded my resources. I...
Bud Lamb Meets | Dr. Aaron Carr

Bud Lamb Meets | Dr. Aaron Carr

In this episode, Bud talks with Dr. Aaron Carr.Aaron is a fellowship-trained minimally invasive, robotic, and bariatric surgeon. He specializes in bringing the latest surgical techniques to the treatment of common diseases like reflux, obesity, and gastrointestinal...