Defining Moments

When things change I usually don’t see it coming, feel ripped out of my comfort zone, and most often think it’s something bad that’s coming down. No matter what – when things change they create defining moments divinely designed to draw us closer to God, more...

Go Fight

What ground have you lost, dream have you given up on, habit or character defect have you been feeding into?  What do you need to fight for? To get it back you’ll have to fight for it. But you don’t fight alone. Remember, every day Jesus sends us out saying,...

Go Love

Every day Jesus sends us out saying, “Go. I’m sending you out and I’m going with you.” Luke 10:3 and John 14:18 BLT [Bud Lamb Translation] To go like Jesus is to go love like Jesus. Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no...
How People Change

How People Change

About five years ago, Parker Houston and I began investing in men as spiritual and life leaders.  We practiced encouraging leadership on each other and we’ve never been the same.  Parker is a great husband and dad, a Clinical Psychologist, Executive Coach, and a...
How to Get Involved

How to Get Involved

For the past 20 years as a Pastor, it has been my privilege to teach, counsel, build teams, and grow a church, but mentoring men and encouraging pastors to know and enjoy God at a deeper level has towered above everything else.  Along the way men become better men,...


In this pic, Lea Ann and I [in the middle] are flanked by Jonathan Hansen and his wife, Lindsey. Jonathan is the Lead Pastor at Rolling Hills Church. He had just prayed for us, sending me out as a missionary with to mentor men and encourage pastors across...