You can’t do it.
It isn’t possible on your own.
For it to be worth it it must be Everest in scope. No amount of time and intentionality will get you to the top. The willpower that fuels your crawl, walk, run will fail you.
I’m sorry to tell you that you can’t swim to Hawaii. You can’t cross the chasm between you and God. You can’t repay your trillion dollar debt on your minimum wage crawl, walk, run through life. It just won’t make it.
So “What’s the deal?” you say. “One post you inspire me to walk on water and the next you bring me back to small thinking with this “You Can’t” post. What’s that all about?”
Don’t drop the call. Bend the “You Can’t” to “I Can’t” and the door to making your impossible it opens.
Power is perfected in your weakness. Power and possibility are released by unconditional surrender. The end of yourself is the beginning of possibility.
Double talk? No way.
Straight talk.
You were not created to do it alone.
“But I’ve been pretty successful with it so far” you say.
Yes, I know. That is true. But your little its don’t really satisfy do they? Your its lose their luster when they become obsolete as yesterday’s iPhone. Everything becomes obsolete. The new car smell wears off. Your child gets sick. Your husband betrays your trust. The dream fades then dies and you settle for survival.
So, yes, you’ve got it going so far. But. But when all the chips go into the pot in a big hand of five-card stud poker and all you have is a pair of 3’s. And you’ve bet the farm, borrowed from the bank, hocked your kids milk money and you lose to a pair of Aces what do you do?
And when you get to the end of your self you will find God is all you need.
The door to making it happen is to walk through it with God.