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Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize?  Run in such a way that you may win. 1 Corinthians 9:24 NASB

How you finish 2019 affects how you start 2020.

Do these three things this week and you can finish well the marathon of 2019.

Tie up loose end

Tie up loose ends. You will not be able to tie them all up, but one or two?  Yes. Simply by following through and lining them off your list you will feel better than if you put them off until 2020.  Ask God to show you what to do and then do it.

Take a short look back

Prayerfully, take a quick look over 2019 and note things that went well, challenges you overcame, things you’d like to do over.  Thank God for His help, ask for forgiveness if you’ve failed to keep a short account with Him, and begin to take the next step.

Take a long look into 2020

These are questions that fuel my long look.

  • “What’s emerging?”
  • “What fires me up?”
  • “What’s missing?”
  • “What’s next?”
  • “What’s keeping me awake at night?”

Make a short list of things you’d like to do in 2020. (Note: don’t ask yourself “How am I going to do that?!  The how will come.)

The Key

The Key to finishing strong is to review your 2020 list daily, first thing in the morning for the first 30 days.  You will be amazed at how you will move toward your 2020 plans.

The wisdom of Solomon encourages us to follow Jesus in this way when he says “The end of a matter is better than its beginning.”  Ecclesiastes 7:8

Finish strong and you will start strong!

Prayer for the week

Thank you, Father for the blessings and lessons of the past.  Please give me the wisdom to know which loose ends to pursue and the strength and courage to tie them up.  Please help me to finish strong and to start strong.