I am pursued by enemies all day long and well into the night.  This I know: You are for me!  Psalm 56:9 BLT1

It was dark in the early mornings when I started my paper route in the small town of Klamath Falls, Oregon.  Papers would be delivered to our door in a bundle about 4 am. I can still smell the fresh ink aroma on the freshly printed “Oregonian” newspapers.  After folding them and stashing them on a snow sled with rope, I would head out by 4:30 to deliver my papers in the pre-dawn of snowy Decembers.

Street lights were rare in Klamath Falls.  Needless to say it was dark and the Boy Scout flashlight always seemed to be running low on battery life.  Snow muffled sound, and I enjoyed the peace and quiet of the darkness.

As soon as I turned into the alley — the most direct route from Fremont Street to where Newcastle Avenue turned into Leroy Street — I could feel my heart begin to pound.  I walked slower in the soft snow that covered the gravel alley.  

Fear gripped me in the cold.  I knew what was up ahead — a fence intended to keep two large black Doberman Pinscher dogs from getting out.  The chain-link did a great job of keeping the dogs in but the sound was menacing. Fear became panic as I rushed past the house where the dogs lived, always turning around for fear they were in pursuit.

I think the writer of Psalm 56 understood what it is like to be a scared newspaper delivery boy.

And the truth of this Christmas Season — the really Good News — is that Jesus came, lived a perfect life, died and rose from the dead to enable us to have two things…

First, Adoption into His family, with the inherent gift of freedom from sin and regret.

Second, the gift of the Holy Spirit to walk with us down the dark alleys of our lives.

For you have delivered my soul from death, and my feet from stumbling, that I can walk with You down at all times.  Psalms 56:13 BLT

It is Good News this and every Christmas!  God is in us. God is with us. God is FOR us!



Prayer for the week

Sometimes God, I feel courageous and other times when it’s dark, or the days are long and hectic, my hope and optimism fades and I hear the dogs.  This season I am listening for Your Voice above the bark of the dogs. Either way, I receive the gift of Your Son Jesus knowing that You are for me!  Amen

1 Bud Lamb Translation