For sure there is a time to wait but many wait for perfect conditions which seldom line up. Now is all we have. Go!
Opportunity is often lost with deliberation.
Pubilius Syrus
To followers of Jesus, he says, “Go. I’m sending you out and I’m going with you.” Luke 10:3 and John 14:18 (Bud Lamb Paraphrase)
The big idea is to go. To go like Jesus. To initiate, to risk, to pursue clarity, trust, small steps. It means to dream big and pray hard and think long like Mark Batterson says in Circle Maker.
Go means to leave something familiar for somewhere unknown. To go, is to initiate, to risk, to leave this familiar and to take action. It sounds easy, but it is very hard for me. I don’t like to initiate. I would much more like someone else to take the first step. I prefer to play it safe and avoid risk. Stepping out of my comfort zone can freeze me up.
As I go, I face my issues. They are like Goliath standing in the way. And that’s why these parallel verses from Luke 10:3 and John 14:28 are so powerful for me. He says, Go. You have to go. You have to go out. You need to go out and I’m sending you out. And I’m going with you.
I mean without that, I wouldn’t go. I would not go, if I had to go it alone like that without Jesus.
So over the next three weeks I challenge you to go. Go love. Go fight. And go do.
Go love means that love goes first in relationships. Risks everything, extends forgiveness and loves like Jesus.
Go fight for your marriage. Fight for your family. Fight for your sobriety. And remember that the battle is for our hearts.
Go do those few things necessary for a follower of Jesus; do those few things consistently well to impact this world for His Kingdom.
So this week read and reflect daily on John 14:18; Luke 10:2-3, and Matthew 28:18-20.