REFLECT is written and produced to help you know love, and enjoy God, follow Him with your heart, and love like Jesus.

Today’s Big Idea:   Begin where you are – learn from Jesus by getting back to basics, going deeper, or going out.

Jesus says to you and me: Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:28-30.

What a great place to start–right where you are with these great words of encouragement from Jesus who says, “Come to me and learn from me.” 

Back to Basics

Learn from Jesus how to start your day right.

First thing early in the morning Jesus would spend time alone with God before anything else.  Following Jesus this way we begin the adventure of each day with our heads on right, our hearts connected, and our eyes on the prize.

READ the Bible and allow the truth to soak into your soul.  

RECORD  Jot reminders of things to do, remember or make plans for. 

REFLECT  Talk to God about what you are concerned about and pray for others.

REVIEW  Review with God the day ahead of you; the things that you need to take care of, things that might be difficult.

Go Deeper

Learn how to love like Jesus.

Pursue learning to love at a new level.  We are reminded to excel still more in our discipleship with Jesus.  This means learning to know God, follow Him with your heart, and to love like Jesus.

When asked by a curious disciple what was the #1 thing to pursue Jesus said in essence love God, yourself, and your neighbor.

Go deeper with a personal study of love beginning with:  Matthew 22:36-40; 1 Corinthians 13; Matthew 5-7; Luke 10:30-37; Luke 15; Luke 22-24; John 10; John 14 & 15; John 17.

Go Out

Learn to go out like Jesus.

Begin to initiate, to risk, to pursue clarity, and trust, and to take small steps. It means to dream big and pray hard and think long as Mark Batterson says in Circle Maker.

It doesn’t mean you need to go big or go far, but it does mean leaving something familiar for somewhere unknown. It means to follow the leading of God.

Let me know if you choose to go out like Jesus as a Circle Maker so I can pray with you.

Begin where you are not where you want to be.


What are you hearing God calling you to –  basics, deeper, going out?  Something else?


I’ve been hearing You since before the Holidays  – maybe since May of 2022 – maybe for the first time!  Quicken my heart to commit, to take a stand, make a declaration that I’m either going back to basics, going deeper, or going out.  This time next year I want to look back on this day and remember that I heard You say, Come to Me!” 

Following Jesus Resources

Bible App

How to Study episode 7/52/21

The Circle Maker Mark Batterson