God uses all things for good for those who know and follow Him. Romans 8:28 BLT

Jesus shows us what gratitude really looks like. In John 8 we find the story of a woman (and a man) caught in adultery. The religious leaders following the rules of the Old Covenant demanded she be stoned. Jesus, the mediator of the New Covenant, where grace-filled love is the new law extends mercy; i.e. not getting what we deserve.

The woman’s response to Jesus’ mercy?


Those aware they are beneficiaries of mercy can extend mercy. Those unaware are unable to extend mercy like Jesus.

Every so often it does me good to fail in a BIG way. Oh, not that I do it intentionally, or take it lightly.

Failure is compost from which the explosive cleansing of gratitude comes.

Unaware, in denial, or blaming others for my massive (yet ultimately forgiven) debt, I act like a spoiled brat. I point out the minor faults in loved ones, and demand the maximum sentence instead of mercy.

Only the habitual offender, in his right mind, weeps true tears of remorse when facing his victim, accuser, and the hanging judge.

He no longer blames, he stands naked and exposed — guilty with no defense, confessing with no blame or rationalization. He is fully aware of his heinous guilt.

Our Judge only asks “What did you do?” and waits.

All He asks is that we tell Him without blaming, justifying, or minimizing.

What, then does He wait for? He waits for our gratitude and that we become like Him in this matter — that we respond in like-kind to everyone in every offense with the same kind of mercy which we receive from Him.

“Turn the other cheek” is how Jesus put it.


This Thanksgiving, recall a massive failure. Reflect on how complete God’s forgiveness, and purpose in your heart to be like Jesus to others. Become grateful.

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