“The Boy Becomes A Man” Adapted from Chasing the Sage, by Bud Lamb

Most boys learn how to be men from their well-intentioned mothers while their fathers were absent.

As a result, we grow up, but we don’t mature; uninitiated into manhood by a man, we remain a boy in a man’s body.

Like my friend Dave says – we want it easy. We want the gain without the pain… but that’s not the way it works.

To a boy, all work that requires discipline seems like something to avoid or take a shortcut through; yet, those who do the work become men. Hebrews 12:11 paraphrase

Originally told in the deserts of Egypt during the third and fourth century was the story of a boy looking for guidance about how to move into manhood.

The story of John the Little follows. I found this story in the book Desert Wisdom: Sayings from the Desert Fathers, by Yushi Nomura.

The original story was written by a Christian hermit from the fourth or fifth century in Egypt. The writer was one of many referred to now as the “Desert Fathers” who withdrew themselves from the power-hungry society in order to encounter the God of love in the desert.

“There was a spiritual seeker known in those days as John the Little. It was said that in his search for wisdom he sought out an old wise man, a Theban, who lived in the desert near Scetis.

John asked about this movement from boy to man.

The wise old sage told him, “Take a piece of dry wood and plant it. Water it every day with a bottle of water until it bears fruit.”

The water, however, was so far away from there that John had to go out late in the evening and come back the next morning.

Three years later, the tree came to life and bore fruit.”

Doing the work: the distant journey to find and bring water — in the night, with no one watching.

Doing the work: long obedience.

Doing the work: years without a hint of green. Dry wood.

Did I say long obedience?

Boy becomes a man.

Who is wise? Let him give heed to these things, and consider the lovingkindness of the Lord. Psalm 107:43

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