“Lord, you…know everything I do…You see me whether I am working or resting; you know all my actions.” Psalms 139: 1-3 TEV
Carole and I needed cash in West Africa and a local Christian took us to the bank. We stood inside with sweat streaming down…under a ceiling fan which did about three revolutions every ten seconds.
An employee took our paperwork to a desk. There it sat for a half-hour. No one was nearby. A person from another desk retrieved the paperwork and took it to his desk.
We continued to stand, silent, our agitation hidden under a veneer of patience.
After an hour and a half, we said to our companion, Abraham, “We’re sorry this has taken you from your work.” He replied, “The Lord knows where I am.”
That response has become like scripture to Carole and me: The Lord knows where I am. We do what we do unto Him, not to satisfy the compulsions of us or others.
It used to be that I would angst over circumstances, others’ actions, failures small and tiny. But the Lord is becoming my audience. I do what I do unto HIm, no one else. I am aware that He is here with me…now because He knows where I am all the time, what my needs are, what the next moment will bring. I am learning to be present in His presence.
Consequently, worship is no longer a performance by others on Sunday. Now, it is a celebration of CHRIST IN US every day, in every circumstance…yes, even in the steamy Tropics.
Heavenly Father, everything in Your Creation is exposed and lies before Your eyes. Your knowledge of it all is endless. I confess that I try to take your place, control my circumstances, and angst when I can’t. I yield Your throne. Only You are worthy. Only You know where I am…and I find comfort in that fact. I rest in You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
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