Orphan or son each man has his Makers blood in his bones. Four primal archetypes were fully embedded in Jesus’ humanity and His spirit.  These same four become the deep operating system inside us whether we know they are there or not.

God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature…”  Genesis 1:27 (MSG)

True Self

Jesus, fully human and fully God, perfectly lived and operated in the purest sense as a King, Warrior, Priest, and Lover.

  • A King who leads well
  • A Warrior committed to a cause greater than Himself
  • A Priest or Holy Man finely tuned to the dynamics of the spiritual life
  • A Lover in the purest and most unselfish way

These four exist within us before they show up in our behavior. They each have a long and mysterious apprenticeship. 

In their highest sense, they are forces for good — for God and His expanding presence; for the orphan and the widow and those ignored by busy people.

False Self

In their lowest sense — our fallen nature, our false self — they represent the worst in humanity:

  • A king whose leadership is self serving
  • A warrior, who is a dark mercenary with heartless brutality
  • A priest who is consumed with maintaining appearances — trading humility, servitude, and authenticity for a hollow, self-righteous facade
  • A lover who is pornographically self-serving, twisted, and utterly lost

Imago Dei

These archetypes are the most powerful forces found in us.  Perhaps that is why the apprenticeship is so long and painful. 

Orphan or son, we are created in His image.  Imago Dei. 


Heavenly Father, please help me to be faithful and persistent in my apprenticeship as Your image bearer.  Help me to grow into the man–the king, the warrior, the priest, and lover–that you designed me to be. For your purposes and glory!  Amen