To orphans–all of us–Jesus says,  You will  know the truth and the truth will  make you free.  John 8:32 NIV

Growing up, my home was a combat zone.  I learned how to survive very early. As a 5 year old, those coping tools were lifesavers.  As an adult, those same coping skills became addictions which took years to shake.

As a child I bought the lie that it was up to me to provide safety and comfort.  The truth is, that is the job of parents. Oh, they do their best, but remember, they grew up in their own combat zone and are only repeating what they learned.

The movement from orphan to son is essential – without it we revert to those deeply imbedded survival tools even while we are following Jesus.

This movement from orphan to son includes a reckoning with truth. We have to work at it reminding ourselves what is true.

To orphans–all of us–Jesus says,  You will know the truth and the truth will make  you free.  John 8:32 NIV

In my journey from orphan to son, I learned what is true about God.  How He looks at me and what that means for me…

I know where I stand.  This is what is true about you and me, irregardless of how you learned to cope, managed to survive, and made sense of things along the way.  

God wants us to know these deep in our soul – so deep they become second nature!

I am a son and I know where I stand

I am a son of light, living under wide open skies. I am sent out as a sheep in the midst of wolves. I am not alone — You, God, stand with me and never leave me.

I am a son and I know where I stand with You God

We are on good terms and You are my Abba Father, my Teacher, and my Friend. You love me, enjoy my company, and are always near.

I am a son and I know where I stand in the world  

In a world at war, I am a guerrilla fighter for freedom, a combat medic, and a patriot to the new covenant. I stand sober; outfitted with spiritual weapons; always ready for short range combat; devoted to the cause of Jesus.

I am a son every day

I awaken to Your blessing every day – to create and cultivate, just like You. I am on the alert to rhythms of work–rest and play, resulting in peace, deep connection and impact.

Together we follow hard after Jesus, disciplined to endure hardship as the pathway to peace; trusting God will make all things right if we surrender to His will.

Reflecting on the truth of scripture daily, and over time, we begin to live more out of sonship than orphanhood.



Father God, thank you for how rhythm is restored. My heart is focused on truth. My eyes are fixed on this day that You have made. I am Your son and I know where I stand–alongside brothers and sisters.  We are Your children and You are our God.