Go do is where it starts.  Otherwise it’s just a nice idea…a good intention. Without doing, all your effort is a rocking horse or a treadmill or a stationary bike; a lot of activity, but no movement.

Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?  James 2:15-16 (NIV)

Go do is where integrity is forged.  Make a promise and keep it.  Resolve to forgive someone and follow through.  Identify a need and reach out to it.

Go do is in short supply.  We strategize, second guess, critique, and talk – all good stuff but it’s just pushing things around.  Analysis paralysis.  Get out of the spin cycle and take a step.  Stop treading water and pick a direction to swim.

At the end of the day, what we have done is what measures us.

Jesus sends us out to go do and he goes with us [Luke 10:3, John 14:18]

This bias to go do is mashed into the DNA of a man; to create and cultivate- these are verbs, action words, words of motion, words that advance.

Jesus sends us out to go do on the high road of virtue; noble, benevolent, and seeped in solidarity.  Not on the low road of manipulators, pimps, and bullies who impose their selfishness and suffering on the weak and the helpless.

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs.  Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive [Gil Bailie quoted in Wild At Heart].

So talk to God about what keeps you awake at night or better – talk to God about what you dream about during the day.  Make the ask big. Why waste it on something small? Your small thinking gains you nothing.


Ask God for a BIG vision for what what’s next for you; make it as deep as the Grand Canyon and high as Everest.  Isaiah 7:11 BLT

God give me a BIG vision and the courage and resources to go do whatever You show me.


  • Write it down
  • Tell someone
  • Do something about it every day