Sick and tired of feeling stuck, stalled, or drifting?
Dig down. Do something different.
Be the man. As John Eldridge says, you are William Wallace in your life, your family, your place in the world. You can’t dodge this bullet. Either you step now into who you are or you stand in the third row with a hoe until you get sick and tired again.
Be the man. God is calling you out.
Become someone different with four daily rituals that build movement.
Daily Rituals
Before the sun rises create movement with these daily rituals for two minutes each.
Read the Bible
Read a chapter from Proverbs in the Bible each day.
Reflect on what you read
Think about what you’ve read. What stands out?
Record your thoughts
Write about what you’ve reflected on.
Remember who you are
Review the Code you’ve declared for yourself. If you haven’t declared a Code read mine and adapt for yourself.
These simple rituals will create movement if you do them. If you don’t the odds are against you for breaking free. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Do this for 21 days and you will become the man.