Spiritual Nutrition

Your soul runs better with good spiritual nutrition. It is a simple process. The point to it is to read to engage, reflect on a few thoughts or principles that apply to your life, and then to record what you have learned. Simple. SOAP isn’t to impress. It is simply...


re*store verb  Bring back (a previous right, practice, custom, or situation); reinstate.  Return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position.  Repair or renovate (a building, work of art, vehicle, etc.) so as to return it to its original...


Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul.  Edward Abbey Your ability to set goals, make plans, and take action on them determines the course of your life. Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog!, p 14 This is where it begins.  Otherwise it’s just a nice idea.  Without...