Your soul runs better with good spiritual nutrition.

It is a simple process. The point to it is to read to engage, reflect on a few thoughts or principles that apply to your life, and then to record what you have learned. Simple. SOAP isn’t to impress. It is simply you recording what God is saying to you and sharing it with a few honest men.

How to SOAP

  1. Select a Bible reading plan.
  2. Do the reading for the day, read it multiple times throughout the week.
  3. Focus on one verse, thought, idea, or concept.
  4. Record your reflections using SOAP.
  5. Give it a bumper sticker title to help you remember.

S  Scripture Write the one specific verse that got your attention.

O Observe Record what you observe in the passage, who is involved, what is happening.

A  Apply Record how you will be different today because of what you have just read.

P Pray Record a prayer that closes out your time.

Sample SOAP

Title: Try It FREE for 30 Days

Scripture  He is the one who died to cleanse us and clear our record.  Hebrews 1:3

Observation  What happens to all that crap from bad choices?  Like nuclear waste it stays with us unless we get connected to the “He” as in Jesus.  [For some this is a fairy tale – for others it is fresh air]. He takes it away.  Cleans up the mess.  Offers a fresh start.  That’s good news!

 Application  Think about it.  A free gift of a fresh start. A no obligation offer – where do you get something like that?

“Hey, I will take all your mistakes.  All your guilt, and give you a fresh start.  No strings attached.” Think for a moment on what kind of person would make such an offer?

Prayer  I need you to clear my record – I have tried too long to do it on my own.  Like cleaning my windshield after a long day on I-5 coming down from Redding, CA I just can’t get all the baked dead bugs off.  Yes, I really need you – not only to clean it all up, but to show me a better way.

NOTE:  Kudos to Pastor Wayne Cordeiro who created the Life Journal and SOAP format.  What Bible to use? The Life Application Bible: New International Version [NIV] is suggested. It has maps, commentary, and biographies of key characters, charts, and references.