Standing beside a lake near Bend, Oregon I shared a big dream with my Dad.  It would change the trajectory of my life.  Looking back, it was a destiny dream.  It was big.  It kept me awake at night.  I dreamed about it during the day.

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.  T.E. Lawrence

I was about to act on this dream and in declaring it to my Dad I took my first step in a life changing career move follow Jesus call to help people live lives of purpose, balance, and service.

“Go for it son.  I think you can do it” my Dad said to me.

Encouraged.  That is what I felt.  That’s what I needed.  I didn’t need him to challenge my thinking, criticize my timing, or bring reality to my dream.  Life and planning has a way of doing that.

What I needed was someone to cheer me on in a direction I was committed to going.

We all need encouragement

For 30 years as a business leader and Pastor I have found encouragement is the fuel we need to go forward with our lives.  We all need it.  Most find it in short supply.  In a world that elevates the critic and the analyst there are few who are actually building something, creating, or being the change they want to see in the world.

Encouragement is fuel for the soul.

Encouraging Leaders

All leadership is influence.  John Maxwell

My premise is that we all lead; at home, by example, or by position; and that all leaders need encouragement.  And since we’re all leaders at one level or another being encouraged, or becoming encouraged is essential to getting and staying on track.

What Encouragement Looks Like

  1. Personal Responsibility.  Like you, I have learned that I need to monitor my own encouragement; i.e. I need to pay attention to and keep my encouragement tank filled.  No one will do it for me.  Not even God.  Same for you.  No one will encourage you like you.  I have found successful people need three rhythmic practices in their lives; a Purpose, a Plan for life, and a Process.
  2. Safe Community.  I respond best to “safe people.”  People who listen.  People who are working on their side of the street.  People who are genuine.  We all need safe people in our lives.
  3. Spiritual Guidance.  Without being connected with a Higher Power we have finite resources.  For me, my Higher Power is God.  I can tap into God’s wisdom, strength, and power; believe me, it has been a real journey – but well worth it.

What I Do

I help people discover or stay on course with their Purpose, write or adjust their Life Plan, and help create a Process for ongoing success.  I do this with 1:1 sessions, groups, events, and wilderness renewal adventures.