Notes and quotes from The Decision Maker, Chapter 4 by John Maxwell

I think it would be easier to apply this chapter if it was “How to make MY attitude MY greatest asset.”  Here is how I am making my attitude my greatest asset.

  1. OWN IT by accepting responsibility for my attitude.
  2. EVALUATE IT by paying attention to what I think.
  3. WANT IT enough to do something about it.
  4. CANGE IT by thinking different.
  5. DO IT with new habits; creating new muscle memory for my soul.
  6. MANAGE IT.  Maxwell says, successful people make right decisions early and manage those decisions daily.

Maxwell concludes this great chapter with an awesome “if-then” proposition.

If you take responsibility for your attitude – recognizing that it can change how you live, managing it every day, and cultivating and developing positive thoughts and habits – then you can make your attitude your greatest asset.