I feel if I give in to the pull to avoid doing my work I will lose my way.  This is a lie designed to chain me to the flywheel of Sisyphus.

Today I don’t feel like doing my work and the more I think about it, the more I imagine myself up in the Sierra’s on a trail run, the less I want to suit up.

Yet I will suit up, get after it, plant the shovel.

I will strike the balance.  I will relish in my life.  I can.  I will.  I am.

The man shapes iron into a cutting tool, and does his work over the coals, fashioning it with hammers, and working it with his strong arm.  Isaiah 44:12


Out of the night that covers me

Black as the pit from pole to pole

I thank whatever gods may be

for my unconquerable soul.

It matters not how straight the gate

How charged with punishments the scroll

I am the master of my fate

I am the captain of my soul.