All too often when stuff happens, I take it on like I’m the only one to figure this out as though my limited resources is all to bring to the table.  The Bible teaches that followers of Jesus are connected to unlimited resources.  And yet, as a follower of Jesus I act like I’m some sort of spiritual orphan – Jesus wants me though to remember he is in, with and for me and therefore I can have an attitude, an aroma, an inner confidence of expectancy in spite of outer evidence to the contrary.

Do you believe that I am able to do this?  Matthew 9:28

Blind men were following Jesus from a distance.  I have followed from a distance.  “What holds me back?”

The blind men came closer to Jesus.

When asked a direct question the blind men responded with an attitude of expectancy.

What holds us back?

Prayer…Lord help me today view life’s events as an adopted son rather than an abandoned orphan, to come closer to you in my blindness and to take small steps with an attitude of expectancy that you are in, with and for me.  Thank you.