What is it about questions that move us?  How is it they create wind, refreshment, a new perspective?  When do they tear through us – in a small voice, a sunrise, the faithful execution of one’s duty?  Isn’t life amazing or what?

From Daniel Harkavy, Becoming a Coaching Leader

  1. What do you think are the two or three greatest hindrances to your getting things done?
  2. What are the two or three specific things that we need to change in order to have success here?
  3. What are the top three regrets you have today with regard to your personal and professional life?
  4. If money were no object, how would yo spend the next ten years?
  5. If you could go back to school to learn a new skill or trade, what would it be?
  6. What would you say are the top two or three limiting factors in your career or your life?

From H.B. Landon, The Heart of a Great Pastor

  1. Can we view our situation from God’s perspective?
  2. Can we believe every setting has more potential than anyone realizes?
  3. Can we see ourselves as more than conquerors through the One who called and sent us?
  4. What difference will I make?
  5. Why am I here?
  6. Who sent me?
  7. Is this assignment sacred because God placed me here?
  8. What does God want to accomplish here?

From Ken Kendren

  1. Does it really need to be done?
  2. Who besides me could do it?
  3. If it has to be me what can I give away that i’m currently doing?
  4. Can I identify what to give away and completely give it away?

Questions I’ve discovered on the way.

  1. What are you learning in your new assignment/role as _______________?
  2. What are you learning from your illness/hard season?
  3. What are you learning about God these days?
  4. What are you hearing from God these days?
  5. What is on your “Don’t Do” list?
  6. Where are you now?
  7. What’s missing?
  8. What’s next?