Peter was one of those who betrayed Jesus.  On three occasions as Jesus was becoming crucified Peter said “I don’t know him!”  I betray Jesus every day.  And at the root of betrayal is self preservation at the expense of another.  Truth be told I am more interested in my comfort, my safety, my prestige than doing almost anything that puts me at risk.

How can I change that small impish self centered core of me?

Is change on a core level possible?

“But Peter” it says in the Bible, Acts chapter 2 verse 14.  Here we have the first act of the reformed betrayer Peter.  It had been only a few months since he had denied knowing Jesus.  Jesus was gone, ascended back to heaven, Jesus followers had just spend days and days trying to figure out what they were now supposed to do [Acts 1:12-14].

How did this change happen in such a short time?  Can this happen to me?

There is a clue to this riddle found in John chapter 21 verses 15-17.  In this scene we see Jesus first face to face meeting after the betrayals.  Peter has had some time to reflect.  Jesus now speaks to Peter’s heart.

Change begins in the heart.  Do you really want it?  Or do you simply want to move quickly beyond the pain of the moment.

Change begins when we reflect.  To reflect means we think our choice through, discover the root, determine to follow another path – the high road perhaps.

Change begins when we commit.  Good intentions evaporate.  Change begins when willpower  grace collide in the heart resulting in different behavior.

Note in John chapter 21 verse 15 how Jesus probes Peter’s heart.  It is with a question Jesus asks me again this morning – “…do you love Me more than…”  more than my comfort, my safety, my prestige?

Lord Jesus You know that I love You…tent My lambs, shepherd My sheep…