Look up.
Then, step out.
An Invitation to Advance
Dream big, pray long, and step out of the comfortable and into the unknown.
The Truth About You
God loves you – as you are not as you want to me.
Pray Like Jesus
Who needs you to pray for them today?
Headwinds Test Our Faith
This is the Breathe Meditation for the week. Written and produced to help you know love, and enjoy God, follow Him with your heart, and love like Jesus.This concludes six episodes looking at what the Bible says about how we can weather unavoidable headwinds and...
HEADWINDS: The Greatest Things
This is the Breathe Meditation for the week. Written and produced to help you know, love, and enjoy God, to follow Him with your heart, and to love like Jesus.For six episodes we are looking at what the Bible says about how we can weather unavoidable headwinds and...
This is the Breathe Meditation for the week. Written and produced to help you know, love, and enjoy God, to follow Him with your heart, and to love like Jesus.For six episodes we are looking at what the Bible says about how we can weather unavoidable headwinds and...
HEADWINDS: Sit & Listen
Sometimes we need to listen to the wind rather than fix the problem.
HEADWINDS: Wind & Waves
Walking on water.
HEADWINDS: Weathering Hardship
Jesus’ Final Words: “It is finished!”
Jesus’ longest day.His life was draining out of Him.His breathing was hard and heavy.He pushed up with His feet nailed to the cross in order to simply take another breath.Distraught family and friends looked on with horror, grief, and confusion, wondering How much...
Jesus’ Final Words: “Today you will be with Me in Paradise”
TODAY YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISEJesus is crucified on a hill in between two thieves who, I imagine, were screaming with pain, asking for mercy, and watching how Jesus responded to the slander of bystanders. How Jesus carried Himself spoke to the heart of one of...